Sunday, June 3, 2012

Experiential Education and the Cost

Last night I had the opportunity to attend my husband's 20th high school reunion at St. Andews Sewanee here in Tennessee.  As I met with some of his high school friends and watched many other reunion groups during the evening it fueled much thought and fed into my ever dissecting of the decision each year we make to send out children to private school.

Let me set the stage.  St. Andrews is a former military school turned college prep in 1981.  My husband's class was only 11 years into the college prep program and now they are moving into their 32nd year of co-ed education.  St. Andrews is set on a huge campus of beautifully forrested land on a mountaintop in Sewanee, TN and the children attend classes in a wonderful modern building amid Spanish influenced dorms and offices.  They fill their days with inspired classes and have access to an incredible university library a few miles down the road.  Extracurricular programs include typical high school things such as football and cross-country, drama and art but due to their mountain setting they have opportunities to hike and canoe and explore nature as well.

Most of the graduates (of course there are exceptions) are thriving adults who went on to institutes of higher learning and are leading successful lives all across the country.  For the most part, there is nothing too extraordinary about the folks I met and spoke with.  They are in design, finance, education, and engineering.  They are married with children and live for the most part a fairly typical life.  As someone who is constantly reevaluating our choice in education for our children, I listed intently on the conversations these folks had about their school experience as well as what their lives look like now.

Let me clarify something about the reevaluation.  I do not reevaluate because I doubt the educational choice for my children as in questioning the validity of the method.  I do question each year if it will make a difference in their lives later on to have made what will eventually be a 6 figure investment into each of the children's primary education.  I am writing about this today because I know that so many of us who are making this investment do question.  Beyond the financial  the real question is this - what difference does it make if my children attend the private school of our choice or our neighborhood public school.  In the long term what is the difference? 

I am going to leave you with that thought and tomorrow you can see what I have over and over again come up with as well as continuing to have my feelings validated by experiences such as this weekend's reunion.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kim John Payne

Recently Kim John Payne was a guest for a few days at the kid's school.  KJP shared so many things that I have said for years but it often takes someone like him to drive the point home.  He had a profound impact on so many of our families and I'm sharing his blog with you here!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WOW! On Education...

I want you all to run to this article as it may be the most profound thing I have ever read or at least read in a long time on education. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On Dad's FB Response to Daughter!

Okay, so this is the guy who posted a video on FB in response to his daughter's rant about chores in the home. I know he went over the top but damn this guy is a wake up call to America.  Watch it and listen and though you and I may not complete agree with his tactics look around at how parents are crippling their children all around the world and creating an entitlement generation.

In our home our children get hugs and kisses and sleep with us regularly and get homemade cookies and at least 2 hot meals a day and playdates with friends and trips to the library and to historical and cultural events.  They also get daily chores and consequences if expectations are not met.  They are given presents on birthdays and Christmas.  They are also given the opportunity to purchase ALL of their own toys the remainder of the year.  In fact, our son is currently saving his hard earned money for a DS.  He has over $100 and very proud of that though he has been tempted to spend said money on other things.  

As society improves and technology increases and the focus on children and education continues to grow, many parents become slaves to their children's wants and desires.  I can honestly say that I am so grateful we have decided to think out of the box in regards to educating our kids as there are few status symbols on our campus and kids with the latest technologies know to leave it and talk of it (mostly) at home.   No one knows name brands and whether or not you purchase your groceries from a local farm is more important that whether or not you are wearing Prada.

I'd love to hear your opinion of this video so feel free to comment or to send me a shout out via email!

Happy Parenting.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rainbow Girl

Check out Arwyn's awesome face painting!  Thank you to the Nashville Parent Camp Fair.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Handmade Dolls

In case you are wondering....this is the type of art that the kids do at Noah and Arwyn's school.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012
