1. a. A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.
b. January 6, on which this feast is traditionally observed.
2. A revelatory manifestation of a divine being.
3. a. A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
b. A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization
year the date of January 6 - the date of Epiphany - has somehow seemed
important to me. Off and on since Christmas I have been blogging about
the gifts I have received. Some may think I am blogging to brag - not
so. I am just so grateful for those gifts and felt much like a queen
receiving gifts from those ancient astrologers on the days leading up to
and the day of Christmas.
The gifts, though,
are much more than the material objects they represent. The gifts are
of love given and of love that I will return. The cooking gifts - the
new spoons and the dutch oven - will allow me to give love back to those
around my in the form of meals from the heart, the new socks will keep
my feet warm at night as I lay cuddled up to the children reading them
books, the healing salve will be kept in my purse - ready to soothe a
skinned knee in a moment's notice.
That's what I had yesterday as I sat through the ordinations service of a
dear friend who is herself a light - a Joy to the world. Yesterday's
epiphany allowed me to transcend the fears I have been holding on to the
last few weeks regarding big changes on my personal horizon and of
those of my family. My epiphany is when the light shined and the
darkness cleared away and I could once again see.
twelve days of Christmas, the gifts I have received, they all have
meaning and lead me to an openness and gratitude. Above all else at
this point in my life, I am a Mother. I AM MOTHER. I must lead my
children through example and my example is one of epiphany. Let the
light return and let us move toward the sun. Happy Monday.