Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back to Basics

Do you ever just want something really simple?  Or, want your life to be really simple?  I do.  A lot!  When I woke up yesterday and contemplated what I would be bringing to the dinner table for my family, simple and homestyle was what I wanted.  So, I took out my trusty crockpot and poured in two bags of dried pinto beans.   I added a little salt (to your preference) and two tablespoons of bacon grease (yes, I said it) and turned the crock pot on low for 10 hours.  When we arrived home last night I made a 8x8 pan of cornbread and voila, simple and homestyle just like that.  

"What most moved him was a certain meal on beans." - Robert Browning

Monday, June 24, 2013

Oh Panini Press!

Welcome Cuisinart Grill to the family.  Where have you been my whole life?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tenderfoot and Camp

This week Noah was given his first rank advancement in the Boy Scouts.  I was a proud Mama when Noah "pinned" me during the ceremony.  This ceremony was perfectly timed as he left today for his first residential camp experience.  Nathan and Noah just drove away to meet the rest of the troop to caravan to Boxwell.  Nathan, Noah, several adult leaders and about 15 other boys will join boys from around the country for a week of scout activities.  I guess technically this is not his first time camping away from home.  He has camped several times with his class at Linden and he and Nathan have gone on several weekend camping trips with the scouts.  But, this is the first time he is going for a week.  And, Nathan will only be with him one night.  Of course, he is so confident and easy going that it is no big deal for him.  For me, though, it is different.  As I think about having a rising 6th grader leaving for camp I am both proud and wistful at the same time. 

Being down one kid gives me the week to focus on my girl and she has lots planned including beauty day (think cucumbers on the eyes), gardening and more.  Now, if only the rain would end.....

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mommy Daughter Time

What's a mom to do who has a hubby working late and a son staying with a friend?  Add a little mommy guilt for being too focused on work and a clean house plus the need to have my nails done and you have mommy daughter date night. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thank Goodness I'm Not Alone

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar - Does A Body Good

A few years ago I asked my mother if there was anything in particular that her mother-in-law (my father's mother) did to stay healthy.  She lived into her 80's and was never sick.  She gave birth to 8 children at home and only was ill one time, when she had her gall bladder removed.  (8 children, enough said.)  My mother did not hesitate and said "she drank a small amount of apple cider vinegar each day."    

Not only did my grandmother know this secret, but it is detailed in a great book that a friend gave me a few years ago called Folk Medicine.   

My favorite ACV is from Bragg.   From the Bragg website:  
Apple Cider Vinegar has been highly regarded throughout history. In 400 B.C. the great Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities.
Check out the link to this great book, check out the Bragg link and have some apple cider today.