Friday, May 16, 2008

Adoption Blog Posts from May 2007 though October 2007

Waiting Children Update (October 26, 2007)

Well, we are still waiting to hear if we will have the opportunity to review the little one's file. Still waiting...still waiting....still waiting....

Some people, however, are not waiting. Out of the 35 waiting children whose files were sent to CHI this month, 25 are being reviewed and 10 have been officially placed.

This has been one of those areas where I have been absolutely floored by the generosity and love that is in the world. The children from this list have disabilities that range from webbed fingers to paralysis.

Of course, not all of the children were special needs. Some are merely "waiting." There are five perfectly healthy little boys, all Noah's age and a couple of older children. They have been snapped up. I am also intrigued by the older kids. They seem to have such hope and spirit. I know they will make wonderful additions to any home.

So, congrats to the families who have found their forever children and good luck to those reviewing files. For those waiting patiently for a chance to review a file....Peace to you....and to us as well.

It's Come to This (October 20, 2007)

Well, this weekend is quite unusual. Nathan and I childless. Noah is at his Mimi and Pop's - in other words - Heaven. I have a Taste of Home Entertaining vendor spot at a AHA fair later and Nathan will be spending the day at a hacker convention. Though I have tons of things to do, I am currently engaged in my obsession....all things adoption.

Last week, we reviewed our agency's newest Waiting Children list. Over 30 children's files were sent this time. They are all very special. Some we thought would be great for our family if they had been a little younger. Several were within months of Noah's age. We are not really into the idea of having a child Noah's exact age. We want him to have the opportunity to be a big brother, which he really is wanting.

We chose one beautiful little girl to apply for. I have thought about her nearly every waking moment since we submitted the ap on Thursday. I am sure that a hundred families are applying for this one. She is about 20 months old and has the most enchanting eyes I have ever seen. She looks like a spitfire and I am sure she would give Noah a run for his money.

This weekend is interesting, as I said before. I have lots of time to imagine our lives with this child in it and to be honest, it looks pretty good. Only time will tell. We will know on Monday afternoon if we have the opportunity to review her file. We will give it until the word "placed" is under her picture. If she is placed with a family other than ours, we will pull our China dossier and switch to Ethiopia.

I wanted to call last week and switch. I almost did not even want to submit for this baby. Not because I do not want her, but because I was not sure I could take the waiting. Of course, I can. I am a big girl and can wait one more week.

For now...I will go and occupy my time (but probably not my mind - wait, this is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness) with cleaning house and preparing for the fair. I'll post again on Monday and let the world know if we got her. If so....she will be a little over 2 before we can travel to pick her up.

Oh! We let Noah see her pic. He first said he didn't think so. I asked why. Because, she will have to go to the doctor and that will make her cry. After a minute he asked if she has a family. No. Okay then, he said..."I guess it will be alright." What a trooper his is.

He is really concerned that all of the kids from the orphanages find homes. I guess we've done something right.

On a lighter note, two friends had babies this week. Congrats Siccardi's on the birth of baby number 4. And, though I have not heard from them, I am going to send a big congrats to the Wrights. I am sure that baby boy Wright is here safe and sound.

May the peace of the Universe be upon you all on this blessed Fall day.


Baby Bedding (October 10, 2007)

The past few weeks I have made myself nearly sick looking at baby bedding. Okay, not nearly, really. I finally picked one, which I posted a pic of. I truly loved it and it had no pink in it and it was reasonably priced. Great.'s the thing....Nathan pointed out that if we switch to Ethiopia that people will think I did a safari themed room for our little African baby. Hmmm....not so great.

Back to the drawing board. The bedding I really loved is $700 and is custom made only. Actually, I love several things from this designer but the Asian themed bedding is most fab (okay, so if we have a Chinese baby everyone will think I wanted an Asian themed room for her). Not so, I say. I have used Asian themes in our home for years. We are very connected to the Buddha and I am a certified Feng Shui consultant. So There!

Here is a link to the bedding I love:

Post Tots

It is to die for!. So, I called a friend of mine, who coincidentally is going through the adoption process as well (US foster care) and she is a fabulous seamstress/embroiderer and she and I are going to similar bedding together. Hooray! Unless, of course, I can make enough money over the next few months to purchase it, which would take lots of stress off me.

So, if you want to contribute to the Arwen Croy bedding fund via hosting a Taste of Home Entertaining Party, give me a calendar is wide open!

Peace Out.


Riots in China Over One Child Law (September 15, 2007)

Honestly folks, we should all be really praying for peace. Peace in the Middle East, Peace in South America, Peace in Asia, Peace in Africa and Peace in North America. Yes, Peace in the United States.

We do not live in a peaceful nation and our example is spreading throughout the world.

Pray for Peace, today for the world and for yourself.



Dear God (July 27, 2007)

Dear God,

This letter is hard to write as it implies that I have little to no control over my life at the moment. Not that I ever had(ve) control, but admitting it is very big.

As you aware, last year Nathan and I decided that we would adopt from China. I know that our decision was made with caution and forethought and that it is what we are supposed to do as part of your Divine Plan for our family. However, you never told us that adopting from China was going to entail a change from a 9 month pregnancy to ..... uhm ..... well, you never told us.

So, after submitting our dossier, despite having confirmation after confirmation that we are supposed to stay on this path, we have (okay, mainly me) continued to discuss going to Ethiopia for a baby instead of China. I have had dreams that have confirmed our China adoption, I have had physical experiences, I have had inner knowing....yet still I have waffled. Why?

I don't know.

Today, though, I pray to you sincerely to give me the strength to continue along this path and to be strong for my family as we wait for the daughter that you have confirmed is there for us.

I am done, finished, kaput. I am no longer second guessing this decision. I am no longer waffling. I am know longer considering that switch. I am giving to you to decide my fate, my family fate.

I have done manifestation work, Feng Shui, prayer.... all I can do. And now - I merely wait.

O Blessed Be great Father, O Blessed Me Mother of Creation, I give thanks and ask for continued patience as I trust in the wisdom of that which is greater than myself.

In Reverence.


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