Friday, May 25, 2007
Summer is Here!
Well, here it is....summer break. Summer break you say? Don't you homeschool? Yes and No, I guess. Technically, we have been educating Noah at home since birth. He has had brief forays into preschool (he loved the Waldorf one and hated the traditional one), but other than that, we have been a homeschool family since the beginning.
I'm not entirely sure why, but I have had the hardest time really getting into regular rhythms until the last few months. My goal this Spring was to find a rhythm for our week and begin getting used to it so that we would be ready for our Kindergarten year, the year I deem our first real homeschool year.
This is the year I have been waiting for. I have curriculums and plans and a little boy who is ready willing and able. To further allow me to prepare, I have enrolled Noah into 2 summer camps at the local children's museum. They are both morning camps and run for 5 days. The first camp is art camp and the second is dinosaur camp. Both are right up his alley. We are also considering soccer camp (he needs the help) but am not really sure.
Our summer will be mostly comprised of working around the house and going to the pool. This summer will be all fun and downtime before we embark on the serious (and fun) task of education. Our Fall semester officially begins the first week of August, though I will be begin our semester on paper on July 23rd.
I am really looking forward to this and feel that we are taking a long pause before beginning the next stage of life. Mine and Noah's.
I am updating my website to give an idea of the work we will be doing in the fall. I'll keep you posted on how everything is working for us.
Until then...
Monday, May 7, 2007
Homeschool PE
One of the best things we have done this year is participate in the Homeschool PE program at our local Y.
Not only has Noah learned good sportsmanship, nutrition tips (apparently these things are much more believable coming from Coach Chase), the rules of basketball and soccer and what to and not to do in a workout area but he has connected with some great kids and has learned that many other families homeschool and that homeschool is really lots of fun.
I had the opportunity to meet some great moms including a fellow adoptive family (we are in the middle of adopting a child). I also take the time to exercise or work (a nice break for me from Noah and our house).
A couple of weeks ago our coach suggested we break things up with a swimming party. What a great coach! He turned it into a learning experience and gave each of the kids a swim test to see their swimming abilities. For the kids who are borderline swimming or not swimming, he helped them down one side of the pool and they were able to ride on his back back the other way. Way to go Coach Chase.
Check out the photos from HS PE!
'Til next time.
Dinosaur World
Nathan had a few days off last week. Actually, an entire week. We decided to stick around the old homestead with the exception of a few trips to Lowe's and one great trip to Dinosaur World.
We had been considering going for quite some time. I am really glad we waited until Noah is 5. He is able to identify most of the dinosaurs and we gave him our digital camera to take photos of the dinosaurs we have at home.
Trips like these are great for homeschoolers. I think Noah and I will go back next Spring without Nathan and really make it part of our science curriculum. Imagine taking sketch books and allowing your child to sit for a few minutes and drawing their favorite dinos. Then, take notes around the sketches using the info located at each exhibit.
It really is a great tool. I plan on doing this at the zoo in the Fall as well. For now, we are wrapping up Noah's last season as a preschooler and we are really looking forward to our Kindergarten year.
For now, here are some photos of our great trip. I hope you enjoy them.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
We always recognize one another when out in public. There we are walking past one another, the only two families in between large school groups on any given day of the week. Yes, you are one us, one of my people. I recognize you.
Last week, Nathan, Noah and I went to Dinosaur World in Cave City, KY. What a great day trip for us. It is not too far, approximately 2 hours from our home and not too crowded, a relatively calm place. There were maybe 3 busloads of kids there from a local school. All of children were elementary age, some with mom or dad or grandma in tow.
There we were. Two parents and one child, a 5 year old a little tall for his age. We are walking along and spot a mom with two children who were maybe 6 and 8. Hmmm...she and I exchange smiles. Later on on the dino trail we are close enough to speak. "Homeschool?" (I asked). "Yes, " she replied. We had a brief conversation and were both glad to see we are not alone when most of the world is one of screaming kids and yellow school buses.
So, be on the lookout. Though not as numerous as those who send their children away to school, we are everywhere and are usually fairly easy to spot.
Peace out.
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