Magic Kingdom and Epcot
These photos are from our last day at the happiest place on Earth. I must admit that I was pretty thrilled to meet Mary Poppins! My herioine and my favorite Disney movie.
Mary Poppins and Dana. This was big fun. She asked me if we flew in by umbrella. I said, "No, broom."
Nathan in the gallows....just where he belongs!
Just a darn good picture and Nathan and Noah watching the Magic Kingdom show.
Too Cute!
My son, the Viking warrior. Watch out Odin.
Noah and his favorite Dwarf - Dopey. Bet you couldn't have guessed that one.We were shocked. Noah would not go and meet Pan and Wendy. So, I was the one to go and get their autographs.
You can imagine. These are the folks Noah was waiting for. He was so excited, though this picture does not do that emotion justice. Some of the photos that the Disney photographers took were better. If I can, I'll upload one of those later.
Our little prisoner!
We were all so exhausted that after Epcot and the MK we went back to the room, ordered a pizza and then went back and hung at the pool.
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