Tuesday, August 19, 2014


August 18, 2011

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a gluten recipe.  You may be wondering why I posted a glutinous recipe this week on my blog.  The last couple of months we have reintroduced gluten into our diets.  My son is having a Celiac's test....today in fact....and I had to gluten him up.  We have not had wheat flour in our diet everyday but many days over the last couple of months.

Here is what I can report from the change in our diet.  I have gained more weight, my migraines have returned, I can't remember anything and I have word salad, my daughter - who suffers from eczema - has shown significant  compromise in her skin issues and my son's digestive issues have returned....there may be changes in other areas that I am just not seeing. 

I went back to a GF diet this week and am fully committed to return to it.  I am anxious to get the family back to a GF diet as well and get our health back on track.  I am not an advocate of all people being on GF diets, however, if you are experiencing things with your health that cannot be attributed to a specific illness or diagnosis, considering eliminating wheat/gluten from your diet and see what happens.

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