Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Searching for Peace

November 19, 2013

The day began early today.  Having gone to bed last night at 8PM, I found myself awake at 3:30.  Unable to go back to sleep, I got up, started beans in the crock-pot for tonight’s dinner and sat down with my coffee to find calmness in these early hours.  On my mind is staying in the present, not allowing others to frustrate me and seeing the positive in all I do.  I was able to stay there for about an hour.  Then, I checked my email and staying positive was out the window.  Or, was it?

As a mom, I constantly tell the children the same things that were told to me. “Ignore people when they are mean or rude.”  Should I tell my children to ignore folks or is it better to shed light on the issues and face them directly?  Do I tell the children to always shine the light?  Is illumination best or does it really just make you focus more on the issue?

If you, my sage readers, have an answer, let me know.   Until then, I am striving for peace but have a flashlight handy.

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